HORs CATéGORiE Bike Store is above all a store of sale and rental bikes run by experienced, passionate cycle mechanics. We want to share this passion with you, by offering you the best. We have selected the best for you LONG-TAIL AND TWO-PORTER ELECTRIC CARGO BIKES. It´s THE IDEAL SOLUTION to travel and share a unique moment with your family. We are confident that you will be satisfied with the quality of our services and products. Trust us and get a ride!
Our objective is to offer our customers an ecological, safe means of transport, which will simplify your daily life and allow you to save time, at a lower cost.
We hope to be able to meet the needs of today’s society in terms of travel.
You want to be able to go to work, take your children to school or go shopping while avoiding rush hour traffic jams;
You no longer want to turn around for a long time to find a place to park;
You no longer want to spend so much money on gas or insurance;
You want to get some fresh air and exercise while going to work?
You want to transport your children safely;
You are concerned about the environment and want to pollute as little as possible…
In your everyday life, you can replace your car with a Cargo electric bike.
The BOSCH engines in our bikes are robust, reliable and durable. You can transport your children or your shopping easily and climb hills effortlessly. The electric batteries recharge in no time.
We work with premium brands, our expertise will allow us to advise you based on your habits in order to offer you the bike adapted to your needs.
Come try our bikes!